5 Advantages of Short Term Rental Management

5 Advantages of Short Term Rental Management

About 15.2 million visitors came to Savannah, GA in a single year (including 8.3 million overnight visitors). Demand for rooms increased by 34.1% that year. If you own property in Savannah, GA, start renting it out!

With short-term rental management, you can start attracting guests and generating more income. Not sure if you need help with your rental property?

Read on to discover the top five advantages of rental management services today!

1. Attract Guests

The rental vacancy rate in the US has increased by 5.8%. If you're not attracting guests to your rental property, you're not generating revenue!

As a property owner, you're likely busy enough building your portfolio or working a full-time job. You may not have time to develop an effective marketing strategy. Your property manager can handle this task on your behalf.

They'll start by listing your property online to help more people find your rental property. They can also post professionally taken photos of the listing. Updating the listing with appealing descriptions will also attract guests.

Your property manager can adjust your rent prices to ensure they're competitive. If the price is too low, you'll lose money. If it's too high, renters might choose to stay elsewhere.

With property management services, you can attract guests before other property owners get the chance.

2. Screen Guests

Not every guest will treat your rental property like it's their own. Your property manager will take the time to screen guests before booking their stay. They can check the guest's credit score and rental history on your behalf.

They'll confirm that the guests paid on time to help you avoid issues. Completing a thorough background check will help you avoid guests who might trash your property.

Screening guests beforehand will give you peace of mind.

3. Establish Rules

When reviewing property management options, look for managers who have experience with troublesome guests. They can help you establish rules to ensure history doesn't repeat itself. For example, they might recommend you set a cap on how many people can stay on the property.

If you want to protect your furnishings, you can also establish that pets aren't allowed on the property.

4. Boost Appeal

Your property manager can help you make adjustments to the property to ensure it appeals to potential renters. For example, they can ensure repairs are made in a timely manner. Experienced property managers already have connections with the best local vendors.

They can help you find vendors at competitive rates. Cleaning the property and making repairs can help you appeal to future guests.

5. Collect Payments

Rent collection can feel like an uncomfortable and even daunting task. Your property manager can handle the process for you. When reviewing property management options, look for companies that use technology.

Their established rent collection system can make the process easier for you and your guests.

Choose Short-Term Rental Management Today

You don't have to manage your rental property alone. Instead, consider the benefits of choosing short-term rental management services. With help, you can generate income without stress!

Need help with your Savannah property? We can help you succeed as a property owner.

Contact PMI Coastal GA today to discover how we can help.
